The common causes and non-surgical treatments for Back pain

Back pain has become a common health issue that is affecting approximately eighty percent of human beings. And lower back pain has become a regular issue especially for the people who are into jobs. Accidents and sports injuries are among the most common causes of chronic back pain. But most of the times even simple movements and activities becomes the major cause of pain. The other causes that increase the risk of back pain are:

  • Poor posture
  • Poor physical conditioning facilitated by inactivity
  • Internal disease, such as kidney stones, infections, blood clots etc.
  • Obesity
  • Psychological and emotional stress
  • Osteoporosis or bone loss


A lot of people undergo various medications and still could not get permanent relief to this major issue. Thus, there are some alternative methods that aren’t traditional according to the medical students but helpful in relieving the lower back pain slowly and steadily. The common alternative methods of treating back pain include:

  • Manual manipulation: In this process, the healthcare providers in Balmain make some physical adjustments to the spine with the goals of improving mobility and reducing stiffness and discomfort for back pain treatment.


  • Acupuncture: It is the process of treating any sort of illness especially those that are related to the musculoskeletal system.  It is one of the oldest techniques wherein it is believed that proper qi decreases pain and discomfort in the body. This method is highly effective in relieving back pain for a lot of people. During a few sessions, thin needles are placed in the skin for about an hour in order to help patients get relief from the stressful pain.


  • Massage therapy: This is a therapy that is applied to the lower back in order to relieve the muscle spasms that basically contribute to the low back pain. This therapy also helps in increasing the blood flow to the low back that helps on speeding up healing by bringing nutrients and oxygen to the damaged muscles.
  • Mindful meditation: Meditation is a natural way that is helpful in reducing the perception of pain and can reduce depression, anxiety, sleeping disorders and other such diseases that commonly occur with chronic pain. The health care professionals prescribe deep breathing exercises to their patients for back pain treatment in Balmain.
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